Autumn and winter is a good time for planting trees in school grounds – enhancing school grounds for pupils and biodiversity, whilst helping absorb carbon.
Free trees for school can be obtained from the Woodland Trust and the Tree Council.
The guidelines below are for schools:
- Schools must consult the BHCC Property and Design Team if they want to make changes to their school grounds which includes significant amounts of tree planting. This is to ensure any ongoing maintenance responsibilities, health & safety implications and impact on structure and access for all types of maintenance works is taken into account
- Schools need to give similar consideration to the planting of ivy or honeysuckle along a boundary fence in terms of;
- the impact on the integrity of the fence
- the need to prune to ensure any adjacent footway was not blocked
- the impact to the line of sight for any vehicles arriving or leaving the site
- the possibility of triggering hay fever or other allergic reactions