We would like to showcase here some of the excellent work going on in schools across Brighton and Hove. Please contact us with news of your initiatives and improvements through the OCOW programme.
Our City Our World – Westdene Primary
Our City Our World – Goldstone Primary
Examples of Varndean curriculum resources
Department REVIEW – Climate Change and Environment Curriculum
MAP Climate Change and Environment Curriculum
Climate Change & Environment Curriculum
Post 16 Work in Brighton & Hove
Brighton’s three colleges – BHASVIC ; Varndean College and Brighton Metropolitan College – are part of the FE Sussex partnership. Over 2021/22, they collaborated on Greener Sussex, a DfE-funded project to improve Green industry, technology and skills locally. Workstrands included Carbon Literacy, training, resource development and employer engagement (led by BHASVIC), Electric Vehicles (led by Brighton Met), Hydrogen Technologies, Zero Carbon Land Use and Decarbonisation Academies. In 2022/23, our collaborative journey towards NetZero continues to embed climate education into curriculum and training, develop our Green Skills and Careers networks and support the city’s growing Student Climate Action Network.
BHASVIC has developed strong national leadership, advocacy and practice around sustainability, climate education and climate justice, supporting student voice and taking action, winning the Sixth Form Colleges Association Sustainability Award 2022.