Our vision in Brighton & Hove is a city where everybody has the opportunity to eat healthy food from sustainable sources. Find out more here.
All around the world school meals standards exist to ensure children have healthy, balanced diets.
Our school meals service includes fruits, vegetables and dishes made from beans and pulses on all our school meals menus.
Our school meals service works to the Soil Association’s Food for Life silver award standards which means we take care that our food is healthy, ethical, and uses local ingredients.
Schools can contribute individually and collectively to more sustainable food procurement practices.
Some schools use cooking and food growing to learn about the impact of food on the planet.
Some schools do a food waste audit, use a food waste collection or composting food waste. This is a way to demonstrate circular economy principles and contribute to obtaining Net Zero by 2030.
In the future we would like to see more schools sharing news on their very important contribution to healthy, sustainable and fair food systems
We would also like to see our school meals service reporting an increase in the uptake of school meals that demonstrate this change happening.